Video: Student Success Is The Priority


The most comprehensive training package on IT/Cybersecurity Audit and Compliance


Comprehensive IT/Cybersecurity Audit and Compliance Training
Career Coaching with LIVE Interview Prep and Resume Review
Private Students-Only Community to Support You

Limited Time Bonus

In addition to the hands-on training in the program, you will now get additional training for the HighBond Tool.

This includes 1 - 2 Months of individual access to the HighBond tool for practice. This tool is used by Fortune 1000 companies, and you can be confident in your ability to use corporate-level software.

Please Note: Access will be granted within 2-3 months of enrollment. No extensions, deferrals, or transfers.

I went from ZERO experience to experienced Big4 IT Auditor within weeks!

I went from an international student to working in one of the Big4 Accounting firms as an IT Auditor right after graduation (without any experience!).

After working for many years, I realized that anyone can also start an IT Audit career without experience.

I have successfully taught many students the fundamental principles of IT Audit that prepared them to perform IT Audits just like experienced professionals.

It might sound crazy, but it is possible to successfully learn how to perform IT Audits like an experienced professional within weeks.

The Average Salary of IT Auditors is $94,573

The knowledge that you gain is the first step in starting your IT Audit career.
I know this is true because when I started my IT Audit career, I had zero experience and knowledge about IT Audit.
Yet, I got a job from one of the Big4 Accounting firms before I graduated and worked with that company for over 10 years.
I was still an international student when I got the job offer.

I had started my Masters’ program right after my undergraduate degree and only had 2 internship experiences that were completely unrelated to IT Audit.

I had no other professional work experience because I was limited to small campus jobs as an international student.
SO, why did they hire me with my lack of experience and knowledge in IT Audit?
The truth is that even the big companies know that you do not need prior experience in order to start working in IT Audit.
The reality is that the big accounting and consulting companies hire students right out of college.

Their only requirement is that the students have a general knowledge of the subject area, have an eagerness to learn, are willing to work hard, and have good work ethics.
They teach their new employees everything else on the job. Period.
After I started working, I went through an intensive full-time 2-week IT Audit training and was immediately assigned to clients. Yes, you read that right. I went to perform real IT Audits for clients right after training.

I was paired with another more experienced auditor on the team for oversight, but I was performing REAL audits.
Everything else was learned on the job and by completing required training courses periodically. I even started training other new employees within a year of starting.

Why should this story matter to you?

Well, if I could work successfully in IT Audit without prior knowledge or experience, so can you!

Students have received job offers in USA, Canada, and UK

I went from zero experience to starting REAL client audits in 2 weeks...

You can learn everything you need to start performing IT Audits like an experienced professional in just 8 weeks (even with your busy schedule).
I know it’s possible because that’s how I started too.

I learned everything I needed in a full-time 2-week intensive course and was able to start performing IT Audits immediately.
Remember, I even started training new employees after just a year into the job. These new employees were also primarily new college graduates that had no prior IT Audit experience or knowledge.

When I realized more people needed this training, I started training others just like you and the results were amazing.

Within weeks, students from diverse backgrounds went from knowing nothing about IT Audit to knowing everything they needed to start.

One of my students even got a job in a consulting company less than one month after the training.

When I decided to take the training online (I used to teach in a classroom environment), I tested it by loading a small part of the course on Udemy.

That course now has thousands of students. and the positive feedback is amazing!

Students started emailing me for more courses and that is what gave me motivation to put this comprehensive program together.

Several students have now completed this comprehensive training program and are on their way to careers in IT Audit!

See Some Student Job Offers...

Most offers are six-figures!

Several students have multiple (2+) job offers!

Here are some reviews from past students!


IT Audit Fundamentals

 The comprehensive program that teaches you how to perform IT Audits like an experienced professional in just 8 weeks. 

This is a completely digital course that you can take from ANYWHERE. All course materials and videos are pre-recorded for you to watch at your convenience during the scheduled week.
PLUS you get LIVE group coaching from me EVERY WEEK to address any course question you have for the duration of the course!

Let's take a look inside what you will learn in each of the program modules.

Module 1: Introduction to IT Audit

In this module, you will learn about IT audits, the types of IT audits, the role of IT audits in Financial audits, and much more. Remember, you don’t need prior experience for this course, so I start from the basics. This foundational knowledge will help you better understand how to perform IT Audits in later modules. I also review the different Laws and Standards governing IT Audits, Audit Management Tools, and relevant IT Audit certifications.

Module 2: Introduction to Controls and Testing

In this module, you will learn all about IT controls and how to test them. Controls are the basic elements of IT environments that are tested when performing IT Audits. You learn about the different ways to test controls, how to select sample sizes, and how to conclude on controls testing. In addition, there are 10 practical learning objective activities that reinforce the module learning objectives.

Module 3: Introduction to IT Risk Management

In this module, you will learn the basics of IT Risk Management. IT Audits typically assess risk as part of the process. So, a foundational understanding of IT Risk Management will better prepare you to learn how to perform IT Audits.

Module 4: ITGC - Logical Security Testing

In this module, you will learn about IT General Controls. You will also learn specifically about Logical Security controls and how to test them. This also includes Physical Security controls and how to test them. You will learn about various controls in this area, the associated risks, what to consider when identifying the controls, and how to test the controls.

Module 5: ITGC - Change Management

In this module, you will learn specifically about Change Management controls and how to test them. Change Management controls are important because they address the controls in place when changes are implemented within an organization. You will learn about various controls in this area, the associated risks, what to consider when identifying the controls, and how to test the controls.

Module 6: ITGC - Program Development

In this module, you will learn specifically about Program Development controls and how to test them. Program Development controls are important because they address the controls in place when large program implementations occur in an organization. You will learn about various controls in this area, the associated risks, what to consider when identifying the controls, and how to test the controls.

Module 7: ITGC - Computer Operations

In this module, you will learn specifically about Computer Operations controls and how to test them. Computer Operations controls are important because they address the controls in place for system job processing, backup and recovery, and incident management. You will learn about various controls in this area, the associated risks, what to consider when identifying the controls, and how to test the controls.

Module 8: Workpaper Documentation

In this module, you will learn how to document your IT Audit work. Documentation is an essential part of performing audits, so this is critical to your success as an IT Auditor. This module will cover documentation at various stages of the audit.

Module 9: Application and End-User Computing Controls

In this module, you will learn about application and end-user computing controls. These are critical parts of auditing business process controls and user-developed programs. At the end of the module, you will be familiar with application and end user computing controls.

Module 10: IT Audit Case Study Exercise

In this module, you will learn to perform an IT Audit from end-to-end exactly like an experienced professional. The case study will give a realistic scenario of a company that needs to be audited. At the end of the module, you would have identified all required ITGC controls and performed testing.

Module 11: Infrastructure Audits

In this module, you will learn how to perform infrastructure audits on the Network, Operating Systems (Windows, Unix), and Databases (SQL, Oracle). This module is strategically placed to leverage knowledge you've gained in other modules to quickly understand the basics of infrastructure audits.

Module 12: IT Audit Engagement Management

In this module, you will learn about the lifecycle of an IT Audit as well as the responsibilities of an IT Auditor. This module summarizes everything you have learned throughout the course in a way that prepares you to start your IT Audit career with confidence.

Do You Like FREE Bonuses?
 I LOVE bonuses! 
So, in addition to those incredible modules I just showed, you will also be getting 6 bonus materials for FREE!
These bonuses were specially selected because of the way they complement this course.
Total Bonus Value - Over $5,000!

Bonus 1: Advanced Resume Training

Value: $1,000

In this bonus, you will get access to almost 2 hours of professional resume training that teaches you how to incorporate transferable skills on your resume. This includes a professional ATS-friendly resume template that you can use to craft a winning resume.

Bonus 2: GRC Tool Navigation

Value: $500

This bonus will teach you how to navigate one of the most popular IT Audit management tools used by most organizations (RSA Archer and ServiceNow). When you work in IT Audit or Compliance in an organization, you will need to learn how to use tools like this to document and track audit related work. This is a great addition to your resume.

Bonus 3: Resume Writing Tips

Value: $500+

You are likely taking this course as part of an IT career transition goal. So, this bonus provides training on updating your resume to achieve the best impact during your job search. You will also be provided samples of IT Audit resumes to help with the process. A LinkedIn Guide is also included.

Bonus 4: Interview Preparation Tips

Value: $1,000

Your resume may get you a call from HR, but the interview will determine if you get the job. This bonus provides an interview preparation training, including relevant interview questions and sample video lessons. This will prepare you for interviews when you start looking for jobs.

Bonus 5: Practical IT Audit Resources and Templates

Value: $1,000

This bonus gives you access to very detailed course resource templates. These include IT Audit Programs with detailed test procedures, CISA exam questions, sample interview questions and responses, and so much more!

Bonus 6: Resume Reviews and Mock Interviews

Value: $1,000

This bonus provides you with LIVE resume reviews and mock interviews in a group setting. Students can submit resumes to be reviewed for feedback or practice for upcoming interviews. Preparation is the key to success.

Bonus 7: IT Computing Basics

Value: $250

This bonus provides you with an IT Computing background. You get introduced to key computing terms that will help you become a better IT Auditor.

Bonus 8: Microsoft Excel Basics

Value: $250

In this bonus module, you will learn how to use Microsoft Excel to perform data analysis for audits. When you are performing IT Audits, you will be required to analyze data in order to make conclusions. This bonus course will get you started with the basics that you need.

Bonus 9: IT Audit Career Workshop

Value: $500

This bonus includes TWO detailed 90-minute workshop training on the various career paths you can pursue based on completing the course. You also get job search tips about IT Audit job roles, networking tips, and salary negotiation tips.

Bonus 10: Private Community Access

Value: $1,000

This bonus gives you access to a private community dedicated to course students. You can ask me questions directly and network with other students in the group.

Bonus 11: LinkedIn Profile Checklist

Value: $500

Your LinkedIn profile is your public resume that can attract recruiters. This bonus provides you with a detailed checklist/guide on how to craft a winning LinkedIn profile.

Bonus 12: AI for Careers

Value: $500

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game changer for your career. This bonus gives you a comprehensive guide on how to use AI to create/update your resume and prepare for interviews.

Get the Complete Program with the

VIP Training Program

 The VIP Program includes everything in the IT Audit Fundamentals course PLUS comprehensive training on PCI DSS and Advanced SOC (SSAE18), and GRC.
Module 1: Advanced SOC Audits (SSAE18)

Value: $1,500

In this module, you will learn about the different scoping approaches for SOC reports, get a detailed review of the different SOC sections, learn how to review SOC reports and how to map complementary user entity controls. This includes practical training and homework.

Module 2: Introduction to PCI Standards

Value: $1,250

In this module, you will get an overview of PCI, why it is important, and the payment processing workflow. You will also learn about PCI DSS versions and relevant certifications.

Module 3: PCI DSS Assessments

Value: $1,250

In this module, you will learn about the PCI DSS requirements and how to test them. This section includes a detailed, practical review of the PCI DSS requirements and the testing procedures required to adequately test the requirements. This includes practical testing activities for students.

Module 4: PCI DSS Reporting

Value: $1,250

In this module, you will learn how PCI assessments are documented, including the documentation of the PCI assessment report. This is a detailed review of the documentation requirements (ROC, AOC, SAQ) and includes practical exercises for students.

Module 5: GRC and Third-Party Risk Management

Value: $2,000

In this module, you will learn about Governance, Risk and Compliance and the practical responsibilities of the compliance function. You will also learn about Third-Party Risk Management, how to perform TPRM assessments and the relationship with IT Audit.

Module 6: SAP IT Audit Testing

Value: $697

In this module, you will learn how to perform ITGC testing specifically for SAP based on all the prior knowledge in the core modules. Many large organizations use SAP, and this bonus will set you up to audit their systems like a professional. This bonus alone is worth the price of the entire course!

Module 7: Practical Skills Application and Career Strategy

Value: $500

In this module students learn the practical approaches that they can use the specialized skills to land 6-figure jobs regardless of their background. This module ties all the information in the PCI DSS modules together to help you move forward faster.

Remember when I said I love bonuses?
I wasn’t kidding! 
The VIP Program has several bonuses too!!! 
Total Bonus Value - Over $5,000!
Bonus 1: Practical PCI Resources

Value: $1,000

In this module, you will be provided with a practical PCI Evidence request list (mapped to requirements), sample exam practice questions, and my personal PCI exam study guide.

Bonus 2: SOC Report Review Template

Value: $500

In this module, you will be provided with a SOC Report Review Template with detailed instructions on how to effectively review SOC reports during audits.

Bonus 3: Cloud Auditing Workshop

Value: $1,000

In this module, you will learn the basics of cloud computing and the key considerations when performing an audit of a cloud environment. This includes the key risks to consider and key controls to test.

Bonus 4: IT Basics for PCI

Value: $250

In this module, you will learn additional IT basics that are needed to understand some of the more technical concepts related to PCI DSS audits.

Bonus 5: Sample VIP Interview Questions
Value: $500

In this module, you will be provided with a bonus set of relevant interview questions for the VIP program. This will prepare you for interviews when you start looking for jobs.

Bonus 6: LIVE Professional Resume Training
Value: $1,000

In this module, you will be trained by a professional resume writer that has partnered with Indeed. You will learn the best way to create and format your career changer resume. You will also receive a professional resume template along with a guide on how to use the template.

Bonus 7: Extended Access and VIP Community

Value: $2,000

This bonus gives you access to a private community for the VIP Program. You can ask me questions directly and network with other students in the VIP program.

Who is IT Audit Fundamentals For?

People who want to truly learn about IT Audit and start a career in the field
This program is not for tire-kickers that just want to check out the program. It is for those that have a true desire to learn about performing IT Audits so that they can start a career in the field. This course is very practical and teaches exactly what you need to do when performing IT Audits.
Those who are willing to study hard and do the work
This is not a get-rich quick scheme. This program requires you to show up, study hard and do the required course work. Success is not achieved in a day, so consistently showing up with your best effort is required.
Those who are motivated to complete the entire course
This program is for those that are committed to completing the entire course. I only want students that can truly commit because those are the students that will be willing to do the hard work necessary to see results.
Those who understand the importance of investing in their futures
If we want a better future, we have to be ready to invest in it. When I started the journey into digital course creation, I had to invest in courses to help me learn how to develop an effective online learning experience for my students. So, if you believe in investing in your future career, then this program is for you!
Busy People
I know many of you have your regular jobs and this program is in addition to everything else on your plate. You don’t have time to waste and I respect that. That’s why the program is designed with the flexibility of reviewing the course videos from anywhere. I do my best to explain all the concepts in simple terms without any extra fluff. There’s a lot of content but every part of the course is what you absolutely need without any unnecessary extras.


Who is IT Audit Fundamentals Not For?

People who want to get rich quick
This is not a get-rich quick scheme. This program requires you to show up, study hard and do the required course work. It takes effort to become a successful IT Auditor and this program is designed to cut the learning curve for you. However, you have to be consistently diligent with the work.
Anyone scared of studying and doing hard work
Success is not achieved overnight in any area of life. You have to put in the work necessary to learn the information being taught and show up consistently and diligently. We all need to work hard for what we want.
People who just want to ‘test’ and see if this works
This program is not for you if you just want to kick the tires and see if “this IT thing works”. If you really don’t want to commit to this program fully, I recommend you take my introductory course first. It’s only 2 hours and you can complete the course before the registration deadline closes. You can get a discount of that course price if you choose to register in this program after purchasing that course. I only want hard working, committed students that are willing to succeed in the program.
Anyone that thinks I have jobs waiting for them right after the course
I wish I had a company that could hire every student that successfully completes this program. Unfortunately, I don’t (yet), so the law does not allow me to guarantee anyone a job after the program. The resume writing and interview preparation bonuses are designed to help with your job search effort, so please take those seriously. I will also provide reasonable support after the program to help students in their IT career transition journey.

Meet The Instructor

Hello there! My name is Peju Adedeji, and I have worked in the IT Audit, Compliance, and GRC field for almost 20 years, including working for KPMG for over 10 years.

To date, I have successfully taught thousands of students the fundamental principles of IT Auditing that have prepared them to perform IT Audits like experienced professionals. 

Many students in my comprehensive programs (IT Audit Fundamentals and VIP) get 6-figure job offers before finishing the program, and some even get multiple job offers. I can’t wait to hear about the job offers this program brings to you!

More About Me

I love to teach!

I taught several IT Audit courses for Big4 consultants across the US with a focus on training new employees that needed to understand the basics of IT Auditing.

I have also trained several students that successfully switched to an IT Audit career after the training.

My IT certifications include CISA, CISM, PCIP, PCI-ISA, CDPSE, CFE, PMP, ITIL, and RSA Archer Administrator

I have a BSc in Computer Science, MSc in Management Information Systems, an MBA, and I'm currently working on my Doctor of Education degree.

I’m on a mission to create practical, informative, and high-quality courses for IT Audit and Governance, Risk and Controls courses that you can use to quickly scale up your IT career.

My goal is to present information in a logical, informative and practical way without boring you with long lectures and unnecessary details.

I include plenty of quizzes, course activities and assignments to help you understand the course material well enough to apply the knowledge immediately.

If you want to learn and apply information quickly, then I look forward to helping you achieve your goals!

This program is like going to school to learn very valuable information.

You need to put in hard work and be fully dedicated to the program in order to see results.

I did the hard work over many years to become experienced in the field and I continue to take training courses to keep my skills current.

Now, it’s your turn to achieve success in IT Audit. I know you can do it.

Let’s work together! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the course format?
The course content (videos, assignments, and downloads) is all digital and pre-recorded for you to access anytime during the assigned week. The content for each week will be released each week. This will allow you to focus fully on that week’s content.
There will also be 90-minute LIVE coaching sessions (Office Hours) each week during the program to answer questions and provide additional coaching as needed. You don’t need to wait for Office Hours to ask questions, though. You can email me at any time or post questions in the private course community group throughout the week and I will respond promptly.
ITAF LIVE Classes are on Fridays at 4:30PM CST.
VIP LIVE Classes are on Thursdays at 4:30PM CST (bi-weekly).
All LIVE training sessions are recorded and available for replay within 48 hours.

What if I don’t know anything about IT Audit?
That’s Perfect! This course is beginner friendly, so you will learn all the required concepts that are needed to start performing IT audits like an experienced professional. I start with foundational principles and then go from there. Note: Some parts of the VIP Course require prior network security knowledge and there's a bonus that addresses that.

Can I upgrade to VIP later?
Yes, you can enroll in the VIP Accelerator program at a later time. Please note that enrolling in the VIP program doesn’t change your access duration to IT Audit Fundamentals. You will still have access to IT Audit Fundamentals for 6 months. However, you will have access to the VIP Course for one year from the upgrade enrollment date.

What is the difference between the GRC Foundations and GRC Accelerator?
The GRC Foundations is a 2.5-hour workshop recording that teaches the basics of GRC and how students can leverage the IT Audit Fundamentals modules to land a job in Compliance. The GRC Accelerator is a comprehensive and practical course that includes the GRC Foundations and advanced GRC topics that leverage the VIP modules. The GRC Foundations prepares students for more advanced roles in IT Audit and Compliance.

How is this different from your Udemy course?
The introductory course on Udemy is only a fraction of one module. I only posted the Udemy course for marketing purposes, so you get a deep discount on that module. Udemy also places a limit on what I can charge for that course. This program is way more comprehensive and covers all the concepts you need to perform an IT audit like an experienced professional.
Is there a time limit to complete the course?
During the LIVE training weeks, you are expected to complete the assigned videos and assignments each week before the next week begins.
You have access to the IT Audit Fundamentals course and any updates FOR SIX MONTHS from your enrollment date. You get access to the VIP Course FOR ONE YEAR from your enrollment date! You get access to the recording of LIVE training sessions during the time you have access to the program. Sweet deal!

Can I extend course access?
Yes, there are options for students to extend course access after their access period is over. There is a small monthly fee for access extension.

How do I access the training after enrollment?
After you enroll in the program, you will get an email with login details to the course website. An introductory video to welcome you and provide navigation details will be available before the program starts. Content for the first week will be released and there will be a LIVE training session to kick-off.
Will I have to purchase anything else?
Nope! Everything you need for this course is included.

Do you provide certificates or job references?
All students get a course completion certificate at the end of the program they enrolled for. Students can include this as education on their resumes.

Do you offer refunds or guarantees?
This is a digital product that is immediately available to students and knowledge gained by students cannot be returned. So, there is NO REFUND. Please make sure you are committed to the program before you make the purchase. Once the purchase has been made, you will not be able to request a refund.

Can I pay now and defer my admission?
No. Students get access to the program upon enrollment and their access period becomes active. Enrollment cannot be deferred.
What kind of support will you provide after the training?
Students are provided with support throughout their access period in the private course community group. Support includes answering questions related to the program and reasonable interview preparation beyond the bonus. There is also an option for a student post-course support program.
Will I get a job after this program?
This program is designed to teach you all you need to know to perform IT Audits like a professional. This is an essential foundation when looking to start a career in IT Audit. You will need to apply the resume development and interview preparation skills from the program bonuses to help you with the job search process. Resume coaching and mock interviews are provided to help students land job offers.
Will this course teach me to pass the CISA exam?
This program is a practical course that teaches how to perform IT Audits like an experienced professional. While some of this information may be on the CISA exam, the program is not designed for the certification exam preparation. There is a section in the program that discusses certifications and provides suggestions on how to study for exams.
Do you have payment plans?
Yes. You will see the available payment plan options when you select your course option. Please note that a small processing fee is included in the monthly payment plan prices.

Is my credit card secure?
I am security professional and credit card security is extremely important to me. That's why I've partnered with Stripe and PayPal to handle the billing and provide a secure socket layer, 128-bit encryption. So, feel comfortable knowing that your transaction is 100% completely protected from fraud using these payment partners. I NEVER have access to your credit card information. As long as you don't share your account details (which is not permitted), you should be the only with access to your account information.

Still have questions?
Email [email protected] or use the chat box on the bottom right.